Amidst the hope of a 'New India' with steps being taken to fight corruption,we are reminded of the other evils that persist predominantly in the nation, with the recent blast near the Delhi High Court. There is a lot of anger within, so it might seem that this post is more of a grievance sharing. But seeing innocent people being hurt makes my heart cry and my mind say "what the F***". When will we be a nation safe to live in. When will we, rather than saying "We are proud to be Indians" will act and stand up to fight against the nation-wide slaughter. When will we stop fighting in the name of religion, when no religion promotes CRIME or killing of innocent people. When will we start living as humans and not as cannibals...eating away the life of others.!!!.....SIGH !! With all this in my mind...when just about to catch some sleep, it felt as if 'Mother Earth' said - "if you don't do something, i sure will" - 'Earthquake in Delhi...