Recently the incident at Indore, shocked the wits off me. Its said that there are warning signs asking people not to go down to the waterfall, but that definitely goes unnoticed and out of sheer curosity we tend to do what we are instructed not to. Alas, its not always that we are lucky and forbidden from being victim of an unexpected incident. This incident proves that there are days when things just don't go the normal way . Its sad...really sad....We can't blame the nature for what happened, but definitely our negligence and lack of presence of security measures which resulted in loss of 3 lives. This could have been prevented : if at first, they (victims) realized that going against the warnings (of not going near the waterfall)could cost their lives, If, there were security personnels who could have stopped them from going against the warnings stated and If at the end, there were adequate security measures to save them from beight caught in nature's hand. Flash floods...