The ' Free Hugs Campaign ' was initiated in the year2004 by an Australian man known only by the pseudonym "Juan Mann". The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness- selfless acts performed just to make others feel better. ( Click here to get a glimpse of the making of this concept. ) International Free Hugs Day henceforth is being celebrated on the first Saturday of July. What an awesome way to shower your love to an unknown who might be in desperate need of it. Hats off to this concept which started off months prior to June 30, 2004, when Mann had been feeling depressed and lonely as a result of numerous personal difficulties and how a random hug from a stranger made an enormous difference. Mann states that "...I went out to a party one night and a completely random person came up to me and gave me a hug. I felt like a king! It was greatest thing that ever happened" More so , this concept was later adapted in the Airtel promo campaign " Jiya Se J...